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Oxford Essential Portuguese Dictionary - 2nd Ed Oxford Dictionaries Oxford

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Compact and handy Portuguese-English and English-Portuguese dictionary with up-to-date vocabulary. Over 40,000 words and phrases, and 60,000 translations. Includes sections on Portuguese verbs, irregular English verbs, and pronunciation help. Based on Brazilian Portuguese with extra information about European Portuguese differences. Includes the latest spelling reforms, new words and culture notes, as well as extended coverage of key entries. The Oxford Essential Portuguese Dictionary is a compact Portuguese-English and English-Portuguese dictionary that offers up-to-date coverage of all the essential day-to-day vocabulary with over 40,000 words and phrases and 60,000 translations. This dictionary is easy to use and ideal for travel, work, or study. The latest words in each language have been added, reflecting all aspects of life today, from computing and technology to lifestyle and business. Additional features include guides to Portuguese and English pronunciation, as well as help with both Portuguese and English verbs. The dictionary is based on Brazilian Portuguese with extra information where European Portuguese is different. All the latest spelling reforms have been included.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,4 kg
Número de páginas: 464
Ano de edição: 2013
ISBN 10: 0199640971
ISBN 13: 9780199640973
Idioma : Português - Inglês / Inglês - Português
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Dicionários

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