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Environmental Chemistry - A Global Perspective - 2nd Ed Vanloon, Gary W. Oxford

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Guiding us through the chemical composition of the three key environmental systems--the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and terrestrial environment--the authors explain the chemical processes which occur within and between each system. Focusing on general principles, we are introduced to the essential chemical concepts which underpin an understanding of the air, water, and soil and how they behave; careful explanations ensure that clarity is not sacrificed at the expense of thorough coverage of the underlying chemistry. We then see how human activity continues to affect the chemical behavior of these environmental systems, and what the consequences of these natural processes being disturbed can be. Environmental Chemistry: A Global Perspective takes chemistry out of the laboratory and shows us its importance in the world around us.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 1,04 kg
Número de páginas: 532
Ano de edição: 2005
ISBN 10: 0199274991
ISBN 13: 9780199274994
Altura: 24
Largura: 19
Comprimento: 3
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Ciências Exatas

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