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Mathematical Papers Isaac Newton - 8 Volumes Whiteside, D.t. Cambridge Usa

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This is a complete edition in eight volumes of all the known mathematical papers of Isaac Newton – edited, annotated and translated by D. T. Whiteside. Papers originally in Latin are provided with accurate English translations which face the original text or in a footnote. Some of the manuscript folios are reproduced in facsimile. The commentary clarifies the peculiarities of seventeenth-century idiom and illuminates the contemporary significance of the text. Notes are printed on the page-openings to which they refer, so far as possible, and give more specific help with points of idiom and mathematical usage, recast Newton´s arguments into modern notation, and provide references to secondary works. Paraphrases have been added to papers that are excessively abrupt. For his work on this edition, Professor Whiteside was awarded both the Alexandre Koyré Medal of the International Academy of the History of Science and the George Sarton Medal of the American History of Science Society

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0 kg
Número de páginas: 0
Ano de edição: 2008
ISBN 10: 0521720540
ISBN 13: 9780521720540
Altura: 26
Largura: 29
Comprimento: 36
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Enciclopédia
Assuntos : Matemática

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