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Jane Eyre - Young Adult Eli Readers B1 - Downlodable Multimedia European Language In

Jane Eyre was an immediate bestseller, and most critics liked it. One reviewer wrote It is one of the most powerful domestic romances which have been published for many years.Jane Eyre is an orphan, a...

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Moby Dick - Young Adult Eli Readers B2 - Downlodable Multimedia European Language In

One of the most widely-read books worldwide. Moby Dick is the saga of Captain Ahab and his continuous pursuit of Moby Dick, the great white whale who maimed him during their last encounter.Ismael, a y...

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Strange Case Of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde, The - Young Adult Eli Readers A2 - Downlodable Multimedia European Language In

The novellas impact is such that it has become a part of the language.Jekyll is a famous London doctor, but something unusual is happening in his house. Who is his strange young friend? Why does Jekyl...

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Romeo And Juliet - Young Adult Eli Readers A2 - Downlodable Multimedia European Language In

Romeo Montague was in love with Juliet Capulet. He went over to her. I dont know who you are he said. But I know that I love you. Youre very handsome, she replied. I think I love you too. Romeo kissed...

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Turn Of The Screw, The - Young Adult Eli Readers B2 - Downlodable Multimedia European Language In

After I had accepted the position and agreed to his condition, I had two or three very bad days. I was full of doubts, sure I had made a terrible mistake. I was in this state of mind as I sat in the u...

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Gulliver´s Travels - Young Adult Eli Readers A1 - Downlodable Multimedia European Language In

Jonathan Swifts best known full-length work, and a classic of English literature. Gulliver is a doctor on a ship. He travels from England to many places. He meets little people and giants, he meets pe...

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Macbeth - Young Adult Eli Readers B1 - Downlodable Multimedia European Language In

"Theres daggers in mens smiles" Act II, Sc. IIIMacbeth is a brave general, loyal to King Duncan and to Scotland. Until, that is, he meets three evil witches after a battle against King Duncans enemies...

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Importance Of Being Earnest, The - Young Adult Eli Readers C2 - Downlodable Multimedia - 2ª Ed European Language In

“The truth is rarely pure and never simple.” Oscar Wilde One of Oscar Wilde’s funniest plays, The Importance of Being Earnest was described by the dramatist as being ‘a trivial comedy for serious peo...

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Great Expectations - Young Adult Eli Readers A2 - Downlodable Multimedia European Language In

Great Expectations depicts the growth and personal development of an orphan named Pip. Pip is born poor, but one day his life mysteriously changes. He is sent to London to learn to become a gentleman....

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The Hound Of The Baskervilles - Young Adult Eli Readers A1 - Downlodable Multimedia European Language In

Suddenly, in the darkness, there was a terrible, low howl and it came from the moor. "The hound!" cried Holmes.An old family document says that everyone who lives at Baskerville Hall is in danger from...

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Pride And Prejudice - Young Adult Eli Readers B1 - Downlodable Multimedia European Language In

"Everybody knows that it is true that any rich, single man must definitely want a wife. And, of course, all mothers think this rich, single man is the perfect partner for one or another of their daugh...

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Stories Of Mystery And Suspense - Young Adult Eli Readers B2 - Downlodable Multimedia European Language In

"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night."In this reader you will find nine of Edgar Allan Poes most famous stories of mystery and suspense. They...

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Great Gatsby, The - Young Adult Eli Readers C1 - Downlodable Multimedia European Language In

Scott Fitzgeralds third novel was published in 1925 and has justifiably become a 20th century literary classic.Topics Love, SocietyGatsby? asked Daisy urgently. What Gatsby? Could it be the same young...

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Comte De Monte-cristo, Le - Young Adult Eli Readers French B1 - Downloadable Multimedia European Language In

Edmond Dantès et son double, le Comte de Monte-Cristo, dépassent le cadre historique contemporain dans lequel ils évoluent et nous plongent au coeur de mythes universels où se trouvent réunis tous les...

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Malade Imaginaire, Le - Young Adult Eli Readers French A1 - Downloadable Multimedia European Language In

La pièce tourne essentiellement autour dArgan, qui est le malade imaginaire qui a donné son titre à la pièce. Veuf, il sest remarié avec Béline qui simule des soins attentifs, mais nattend en réalit...

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Cyrano De Bergerac - Young Adult Eli Readers French A2 - Downloadable Multimedia European Language In

Il y a beaucoup de gens dont la facilité de parler ne vient que de limpuissance de se taire. Dans cet ouvrage des dossiers culturels des exercices DELF des activités ludiques très variées Thème...

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Miserables, Les - Young Adult Eli Readers French B2 - Downloadable Multimedia European Language In

La publication des Misérables suscita dans les milieux littéraires et politiques un tollé général. Livre dangereux , livre immonde, inepte ... selon les mots de Lamartine, faisait trop craindre au...

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Madame Bovary - Young Adult Eli Readers French B2 - Downloadable Multimedia European Language In

Quant à Emma, elle ne sinterrogea point pour savoir si elle laimait. Lamour, croyait-elle, devait arriver tout à coup, avec de grands éclats et des fulgurations Dans cet ouvrage - des dossiers cult...

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Servitore Di Due Padroni, Il - Young Adult Eli Readers Italian B1 - Downloadable Multimedia European Language In

Amore, inganni, travestimenti e tante risate in una delle più famose commedie del grande Carlo Goldoni. Uno dei classici italiani più amati nel mondo. I giovani Florindo e Clarice si amano molto e vog...

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Mandragola, La - Young Adult Eli Readers Italian A2 - Downloadable Multimedia European Language In

Una divertentissima storia damore e una critica spietata allipocrisia. Un marito sciocco, una moglie bellissima e fedele, un giovane innamorato e una pianta magica ma mortale la mandragola! Con questi...

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Leiden Des Jungen Werther, Die - Young Adult Eli Readers German B1 - Downloadable Multimedia European Language In

Der leidenschaftliche Briefroman, der das romantische Thema der Verbindung zwischenLiebe und Tod meisterhaft einfhrt und zum Manifest einer ganzen Generation wird. Text mit Erklrung schwieriger Wrter ...

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Verwandlung, Die - Young Adult Eli Readers German B1 - Downloadable Multimedia European Language In

Kafkas unangefochten Meisterwerk, das die Verwandlungen des jungen Gregor erzhlt. Vereinfachter und gekrzter Text mit Erklrungschwieriger Wrter in FunotenThemen Familie Gefhle Wetter Gesundheit und...

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Sangre Y Arena - Young Adult Eli Readers Spanish B1 - Downloadable Multimedia European Language In

Una novela de ambiente, psicológica, en la que tanto el escenario de fondo como el contenido mismo son uno de los símbolos de la cultura espaola. En esta publicación vas a encontrar Reportajes Activ...

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Malavoglia, I - Young Adult Eli Readers Italian B1 - Downloadable Multimedia European Language In

I Malavoglia è un romanzo che nasce da una profonda riflessione di Verga sulluomo e sulla letteratura. Biografia di Giovanni Verga Dossier informativi sullopera e il suo contesto storico Glossario d...

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Coscienza Di Zeno, La - Young Adult Eli Readers Italian A2 - Downloadable Multimedia European Language In

Una confessione a cuore aperto sulla propria vita, ironica, cinica e severa. Zeno è un antieroe indimenticabile Ci sono tre coseche dimentico sempre nomi, facce, la terza non ricordo. Un capolavoro de...

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Novelle Per Un Anno - Una Scelta - Young Adult Eli Readers Italian A2 - Downloadable Multimedia European Language In

Alcune tra le sue più famose novelle tra cui Pensaci, Giacomino!, La giara e Ciaula scopre la luna, permettono di conoscere uno degli autori più amati della letteratura italiana. Dossier di civiltà i...

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Tour Du Monde En 80 Jours, Le - Young Adult Eli Readers French A1 - Downloadable Multimedia European Language In

Un roman daventures au suspense haletant et un document instructif sur le monde à la fin du XIXe siècle. Dans cet ouvrage des dossiers culturels des exercices DELF des activités ludiques très variées....

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Zauberflote, Die - Young Adult Eli Readers German B1 - Downloadable Multimedia European Language In

Lasst euch von Sarastro, Pamina und Papageno mitreien in denZauber des Werkes, den Mozart in Musik gesetzt hat. Vereinfachter und gekrzter Text mit Erklrungschwieriger Wrter in Funoten bungen zurPrfu...

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Candide - Young Adult Eli Readers French A2 - Downloadable Multimedia European Language In

Candide est un récit qui incite à la réflexion tout en apportant un divertissement. Dans cet ouvrage des dossiers culturels une glossaire des activités ludiques très variées Thèmes Sentiments ...

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Frankenstein - Young Adult Eli Readers B2 - Downlodable Multimedia European Language In

After many more days and nights of study, I discovered exactly how life was created. With this knowledge I became the first man in history to have the power to create life from death.Victor Frankenste...

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Heart Of Darkness - Young Adult Eli Readers C2 - Downlodable Multimedia European Language In

Heart of Darkness is classified by the Modern Library website editors as one of the ´100 best novels´ and part of the Western canon. Marlow, a man who has spent his life at sea, tells the story of a j...

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Avventure Di Pinocchio, Le - Young Adult Eli Readers Italian A2 - Downloadable Multimedia European Language In

Il capolavoro italiano più tradotto nel mondo. Un dossier sulla vita dellautore Approfondimenti culturali e storici sullopera Glossario per le parole più difficili Attività di comprensione del test...

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