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Two Ways To Count To Ten - A Liberian Folktale Dee, Ruby Macmillan Usa

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Award-winning actress and civil rights activist Ruby Dee retells a timeless tale of strength and leadership in Two Ways to Count to Ten: A Liberian Folktale, illustrated by Susan Meddaugh. When the Leopard, king of all the jungle animals, declares the time has come for a successor to marry his daughter and wear the crown, the bravest beasts gather for a competition. The creature capable of throwing a spear high enough in the air for him to count to ten before it reaches the ground will be declared the jungle´s prince. After many of the strongest animals fail, an antelope steps forth to take the king´s challenge, only to be ridiculed for his physical weakness. But the antelope possesses a different kind of strength--one that´s a perfect quality for leadership.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,4 kg
Número de páginas: 32
Ano de edição: 1990
ISBN 10: 0805013148
ISBN 13: 9780805013146
Altura: 26
Largura: 20
Edição: 1
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Literatura Infanto Juvenil

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