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Chinese Legends - Teen Eli Readers Chinese Hsk 3 - Downloadable Multimedia Tolu, Cosetta; Wei, Li European Language Institute

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Dìqiú hé rénlèi shì rúhé chuàngzào de? Chá de tèxìng shì rúhé p fà xiàn de? Ygè klián de mùyáng rén hé ygè xinn shì rúhé xingài de? Bù yuàn shqù mimào de shàon chángé, rúhé y yùtù yùtù fi shàng yuèqiú? Bnsh bokuò shí gè gùshì, shí cì chunsu yú gjn zh jin de lchéng, zài ygè shén y fánrén hémù xingch, gùshì y shénhuà jiozh de shìjiè l. Bnsh tígng Fúhé HSK3 biozhn dì yf jiégòu hé cíhuì dài fyn hé fnyì de cíhuì bio wénzì wú pnyn, glì yuèdú zhnshí cáiliào de xíguàn mi zhng mòwi de huódòng wánzhng de cíhuì bio zài zuìhòu àn zìm shùnxù páiliè zhng bnsh de lùynHow was the earth and man created? How were the properties of tea discovered? How did a poor shepherd and a fairy fall in love? How did Change, a young woman who didnt want to lose her beauty, fly to the moon with Yutu, the Jade Rabbit? This book includes ten stories, ten journeys between past and present, in a world where the gods and mortals live in harmony and where story and myth are entwined. The book offers Grammatical structures and vocabulary according to HSK3 standards Glossary with pronunciation and translation No pinyin in text to encourage the habit of reading authentic material Activities at the end of each chapter Complete glossary at the end in alphabetical order

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,12 kg
Número de páginas: 64
Ano de edição: 2019
ISBN 10: 8853626550
ISBN 13: 9788853626554
Altura: 21
Largura: 14
Edição: 1
Faixa Etária : De 11 a 14 anos
Idioma : Chinês
Método de ensino : Estudo orientado e/ou individual
Nível (CEFR) - Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para Línguas : B1 (Ensino FINAL)
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Leituras Graduadas

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