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Climate Considerations In Building And Urban Design Givoni, Baruch John Wiley

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Climate Considerations in Building and Urban Design Baruch Givoni Climate Considerations in Building and Urban Design is the most comprehensive, up-to-date reference available on building and urban climatology. Written in clear, common-sense language by Baruch Givoni, the leading authority in the field, this book is a far-reaching look at a variety of climatic influences and their effects on individuals, buildings, and communities. Aimed at architecture and urban planning professionals and students alike, Climate Considerations in Building and Urban Design offers real-life solutions to climatological site planning and design issues, helping to settle disputes about site orientation, site organization, and the assembly of building materials. Climate Considerations in Building and Urban Design is organized into three parts. The first, Building Climatology, analyzes human thermal comfort and the effect of architectural and structural design features including layout, window orientation, and shading, and ventilation conditions on the indoor climate. Then, Urban Climatology explores the ways in which the climate in densely built areas can differ from surrounding regional climactic conditions, for example, in temperature, wind speed, and humidity. This part further explores the effects of urban design elements, such as urban density and building height, on a city´s outdoor climate. Finally, Building and Urban Design Guidelines applies the body of available research on building clim

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 1,295 kg
Número de páginas: 480
Ano de edição: 1998
ISBN 10: 0471291773
ISBN 13: 9780471291770
Altura: 29
Largura: 22
Comprimento: 3
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Arquitetura

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