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Sleisenger And Fordtran´s Gastrointestinal And Liver Disease - 8th Ed Dimarino, Anthony J Wb Saunders

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Featuring the experience of new editor Anthony J. DiMarino, MD, the 3rd Edition of this interactive review book helps you study, update, and test your knowledge of gastrointestinal and liver disease. More than 1,000 multiple-choice questions - each cross referenced to the parent text - include an answer with a short explanation to help fill in any gaps in your understanding. Presents questions representative of the types featured on the American Board of Internal Medicine´s Subspecialty Examination in Gastroenterology.Includes references to the most recent medical literature, as well as to specific pages in the parent text. Includes full-color images to better reflect clinical appearance.Features more than 100 pages of expanded coverage and hundreds of additional questions.Offers access to a bonus web site featuring all of the book´s questions online, plus instant scoring and feedback, and links through to supporting material in the parent text.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,72 kg
Número de páginas: 274
Ano de edição: 2007
ISBN 10: 1416033661
ISBN 13: 9781416033660
Altura: 28
Largura: 22
Comprimento: 1
Edição: 8
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Saúde

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