Koss´ Diagnostic Cytology And Its Histopathologic Bases 2 Vol. - 5th Edition Koss, Leopold G. Lippincott Wilians & Wilkins Sd

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The most influential and frequently cited pathology classic is now in its Fifth Edition, with thoroughly revised chapters and over 3,000 brand-new full-color illustrations. This two-volume work provides comprehensive, current information on the principles and techniques of cytopathology and the cytologic evaluation of benign and malignant disorders at every anatomic site. This edition provides greatly expanded coverage of the interpretation of aspirated cell samples. Innovations in the practice of cytopathology and data on molecular biology and cytogenetics have been incorporated into the organ system chapters. This edition also has a greater focus on avoiding diagnostic errors. A bound-in image bank DVD is included in this edition.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 5,841 kg
Número de páginas: 1856
Ano de edição: 2006
ISBN 10: 0781719283
ISBN 13: 9780781719285
Altura: 28
Largura: 22
Comprimento: 10
Edição: 5

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