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Molecular Plant Biology - A Practical Approach - Vol. 2 Gilmartin, Philip M. Oxford

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Molecular Plant Biology is an all-new replacement for the original Practical Approach book Plant Molecular Biology that was first published in 1988. The rapid advances made in plant sciences during the past decade are reflected by the need to produce a two-volume book to cover all the relevant methodologies. The new book incorporates many of the fundamental procedures outlined in the original book, but these are fully updated to reflect advances technology and the development of new methodologies. The new books also incorporate many approaches that were not available in the earlier volume. Each chapter has been written by an international expert with current practical expertise in the topics covered. Each book is divided into three sections. The approaches outlined in Volume One cover a wide range of techniques for gene isolation, gene identification and subsequent isolation, as well as for studies of gene organization.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,4 kg
Número de páginas: 358
Ano de edição: 2002
ISBN 10: 0199638187
ISBN 13: 9780199638185
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Ciências Biológicas e Naturais

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