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Basic And Clinical Pharmacology - 11th Ed Katzung, Bertram G. Mcgraw Hill Professional

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"This is the most widely used textbook for teaching pharmacology to health professionals. This 11th edition is far superior to any previous editions....The authors´ goals are to provide a complete, authoritative, current, and readable textbook of pharmacology for students in health sciences. Testimony to their success is the widespread use of this work as required textbook for pharmacology courses around the world. This book is used extensively by thousands of medical, pharmacy, podiatry, nursing, and other health professions students to study pharmacology. Likewise, it remains a valuable resource for residents and practicing physicians....I continue to use this book as a required resource for all courses that I teach to medical, nursing, and allied health students. It is authoritative, readable, and supported by numerous learning tools."--Doody´s Review Service

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 2,39 kg
Número de páginas: 1232
Ano de edição: 2009
ISBN 10: 0071604057
ISBN 13: 9780071604055
Altura: 27
Largura: 22
Comprimento: 6
Edição: 11
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Medicina e Saúde

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