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Basic Plant Pathology Methods - 2nd Ed Dhingra, Onkar D. Taylor & Francis

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This book focuses on the development and administration of independent facilities or departments devoted to the injured worker. Until recently, this area was a largely ignored aspect of occupational health. Now, solo practitioners, partnerships, small and large multispecialty groups, HMOs, and hospitals are showing tremendous interest in developing single purpose facilities or divisions related to this type of practice. Basic Occupational Medicine; A Guide to Developing Delivery Systems addresses the critical need for a guide that explains startup considerations, maintaining the operation, and caring for patients. Topics discussed include proper reporting and charting; the nature of examinations and screening; the role of the Physician´s Assistant; working with in-plant nurses; and maintaining relationships with physicians in other departments and the community. A special section is devoted to starting up and operating a facility, including critical information such as advertising and marketing, staffing, equipment, and site location. The book also contains an index with samples of types of forms needed for this business. Basic Occupational Medicine; A Guide to Developing Delivery Systems will benefit administrators, hospital directors, group medical directors, urgent care center directors, physician´s assistants, occupational health nurses, insurance carriers, and employers involved with industrial health clinics.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,98 kg
Número de páginas: 448
Ano de edição: 1995
ISBN 10: 0873716388
ISBN 13: 9780873716383
Altura: 24
Largura: 17
Comprimento: 24
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Botânica

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