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Producing Biomolecular Substances With Fermenters, Bioreactors, And Biomolecular Synthesizers Hochfeld, William L. Taylor & Francis

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Containing authoritative and in-depth coverage, Producing Biomolecular Materials Using Fermenters, Bioreactors, and Biomolecular Synthesizers examines the bioproduction systems that support the controlled, automated, and quantity growth of proteins.The book discusses the substance, character, makeup, and quality of the basic materials used in the production and downstream processing of boimolecular materials: raw materials, reagents, intermediates, and consumables. Dr. Hochfield gets right to the point, explaining just what must be done and how to do it effectively, then providing the formula necessary for reaching the required value, allowing you to simply plug-in your data and make protein. However, if you actually do need the origin and derivation of any given formula, you can go right to the extensive reference section in the Appendix, find the formula you need in the exact form that you need it, without having to wade through numerous pages of extraneous material. This classic work presents unparalled, detailed, and cutting-edge information on bioprocessing systems. A working reference and formulary for producing recombinant, bioactive, or other exotic proteins, peptides, and nucleic acids to specification, the text provides coverage of the related technologies, coupled with the extensive biotechnology glossary, manufacturer’s directories, extensive references, important formulae, charts, illustrations, comprehensive index, emphasis on practical techniques, time-prove

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,4 kg
Número de páginas: 408
Ano de edição: 2006
ISBN 10: 0849322707
ISBN 13: 9780849322709
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Farmacologia

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